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Hva skal jeg hekle nå da?

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Arkiv for: oktober, 2014

Twist Fingerless Gloves

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser mandag 20. oktober , 2014 kl. 09:49

Nå som høsten virkelig har kommet så dukker behovet opp for noe varmt å ha på hendene, men ikke for varmt for meg med rimelig varme hender i utgangspunktet. Da må jo disse være perfekte, og så lekre de er i tillegg!!


Oppskrift kommer under bildet. Oppskriften er hentet fra og er på engelsk. Hvis du er litt i tvil ligger fremgangsmåte med bilder på siden, så stup innom og bli inspirert!



Cuff- The cuff is a basic 1:1 ribbing.
Ch (with your smaller hook) until you reach the approx. length from measurement #1 plus 1 more chain. (I chained 19)
Row 1: sc blo in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across, ch 1, turn (18 total sc, for me)

Row 2: sc blo in each, ch 1, turn

Row 3-?: Repeat row 2. How many rows you make will be determined by measurement #2 and #3. It should fit around your wrist without gapping but be able to stretch to around the top of your hand (so you can get it on.) I had 24 rows.
You will end up with a square/rectangle shaped piece. ch 1, turn. For the body you will be working along the side of the cuff.Body-
Row 1: Working in the side of the ribbed cuff, sc across. How many sc you need is determined by your measurements but it must be a factor of 5. You want it to fit nicely around your wrist but be able to stretch over the top of your hand so you can get it on. I had 25 sc total. Fold in half to begin working in the round and Join with sl st to first sc of this row.

Row 2: ch 3, make beginning twist (dc in sc behind where you just joined-see pictures below), sk 1, 3dc in next (shell) *Make twist (sk 2, dc, dc in 2nd skipped stitch), sk 1, 3dc in next* Repeat around, (5 twists and 5 shells total)

Row 3: beginning twist stitch (join with sl st around dc from the beginning of row 2, ch 3, fpdc around the ch 3 of below row), shell into the space before the next shell, *twist in next twist (keeping a tight tension, sk the shell and sk next dc, fpdc around next dc, fpdc around skipped dc- see pictures below) shell in space before next shell* repeat around, join with sl st around the post of the first dc. In other words, for this row and each row after, you will be twisting in each twist and working a shell in the space before each shell.

Row 4-? (row 6 for me): Repeat row 3 until you get to the row where you’d like to work your thumb hole. You may want to switch to your larger hook 1-2 rows before your thumb hole row.

Thumb hole row (row 7 for me): ch 3, fpdc around ch 3 of below row, dc in space before next shell, ch 6, sk the rest of that shell and the next twist, dc in space before next shell, *twist in next twist, shell in space before next shell* repeat around, join with sl st around the post of the first dcRow after thumb hole row (row 8 for me): ch 3, fpdc around ch 3 of below row, shell in space before dc, sk 3, dc, dc in 2nd skipped ch, sk 1, shell in next ch, *twist in next twist, shell in next shell* repeat around, join with sl st around the post of the first dc

Next row and until top (Row 9-11 for me): Repeat row 3, finish off, and sew the cuff up. Oh, and don’t forget to make another one for the other hand!

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